Tag Archives: YBA

Sarah Lucas

Lucas challenged the street slang used to describe women by turning it into physical forms. She replaced anger and embarrassment with humour, portraying breasts as melons or fried eggs, catching public attention with hard-hitting sculpture and spreads from The Sun. Continue reading Sarah Lucas

Richard Billingham

Billingham’s photographs of his family present a strikingly intimate view of life with his alcoholic father Ray and his mother Liz, his younger brother Jason, and numerous pets, in their high-rise flat. Billingham’s work rests precariously between opportunistic family snapshot, journalistic document, and controlled work of art. Continue reading Richard Billingham

Tracey Emin

Screenshot 2014-11-11 16.03.49Why I never became a dancer (video)

Tracey Emin’s art is one of disclosure, using her life events as inspiration for works ranging from painting, drawing, video and installation, to photography, needlework and sculpture. Emin reveals her hopes, humiliations, failures and successes in candid and, at times, excoriating work that is frequently both tragic and humorous. Continue reading Tracey Emin