All posts by Ana Gandum

Alexandre Sequeira


Entre Lapinha da Serra e o Mata Capim – trabalho desenvolvido no interior do Estado de Minas Gerais de janeiro de 2009 a junho de 2010, a partir do encontro entre Alexandre Sequeira, um menino e seu avô – os dois últimos, moradores da localidade de Lapinha da Serra.

As relações que se estabelecem a partir do convívio e encontro entre os olhares e interpretações de mundo de Alexandre, Rafael de 13 anos e Seu Juquinha, de 84, tecem laços que os aproxima enquanto permanentes construtores de sonhos, fantasias e desejos. A fotografia, que por muitas vezes anima esse convívio, é tratada tanto como instrumento de construção de uma etnologia da saudade – por seu inegável valor documental –, quanto por seu potencial emancipador, dada a perda de sentido de realidade que suas possibilidades interpretativas suscitam.

Texto escrito para a exposição Segue-se ver o que quisesse. Belo Horizonte, 2012.


On the web:

Jo Spence

Captura de ecrã - 2015-06-15, 10.57.53

Beyond the Family Album, 1979

“I began (through Beyond the Family Album) to reverse the process of the way I had been constructed as a woman by deconstructing myself visually in an attempt to identify the process by which I had been ‘put together’. I still feel that personal is political. There is no way I could have understood fully the political implications of trying to represent other people (however well intentioned) if I had not first of all begun to explore how I had built a view of myself through other people’s representations of me.” Jo Spence

Artist website:

Mariela Sancari



“Photography is our exorcism”, Jean Baudrillard, La transparence du mal

Thanatology asserts that not seeing the dead body of our beloved ones, prevents us from accepting their death. Contemplating the body of the deceased helps us overcome one of the most complex stages of grief: denial.

Continue reading Mariela Sancari

Rosângela Rennó


A01 [COD.] – A27 [S|COD.23], 2013

PhotoBook of the Year Award – Paris Photo e Aperture Foundation

Prix du Livre Historique 2013/Historical Book Award 2013 – Les Rencontres ARLES Photographie


Shimpey Takeda


Terrain 9 – 5×4 in Terrain (2011 – 2012) Gelatin Silver Photogram

“Terrain is my first series of cameraless photographs. Between salt and water, two of the most primal properties of the planet earth, barely visible textures create topographic shadows which can be exposed by sparks of electronic light.”

Continue reading Shimpey Takeda