Shimpey Takeda


Terrain 9 – 5×4 in Terrain (2011 – 2012) Gelatin Silver Photogram

“Terrain is my first series of cameraless photographs. Between salt and water, two of the most primal properties of the planet earth, barely visible textures create topographic shadows which can be exposed by sparks of electronic light.”

”Takeda has used cameraless techniques to record the physical imprint of a natural material. In Terrain (2011-), for example, he created a series of cameraless works by placing salt on photo-sensitive paper and sprinking water onto the surface. The resulting grainy images could document the surface of the moon, or a distant view of an ocean. In both series, Takeda’s conceptual photograms capture something intangible and render it visible.” — Jean Dykstra, written on the exhibition catalog of “A Different Kind of Order: The ICP Triennial” (Published by ICP/DelMonico Books, in May 2013)

Trace: An Interview with Takeda: FOP

Artist website:

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