Tag Archives: memory

Eric Baudelaire


Working in photography, video, print making and installation, Eric  Baudelaire is interested in the relationship between images and events, documents and narratives. Recalling factographic practices, his work can involve elaborate staged situations that appear to be real, but are somewhat off-kilter, and place the viewer in a situation of questioning the modes of production and consumption of images. He also uses simple techniques of assemblage, sampling and mechanical reproduction, applied to real documents, to playfully extract fictive narratives or new formal vocabularies.


From: http://www.galeriegretameert.com/exhibitions/detail/168

On the web:


“Letters to Max” film: https://vimeo.com/89560258

Gauri Gill

gauri gill_memories of rajesh Memory come to Rajesh, 2014

In Fields of Sight, Gauri Gill collaborates with Warli painter Rajesh Vangad from Ganjad, Dahanu – an Adivasi village in coastal Maharashtra – to present her most recent body of work. The work’s visual language emerged symbiotically from Gill’s initial experiences of photographing the landscape in Ganjad, where she felt that although her camera was perhaps capturing the distinct ‘chameleon-like’ skin of what she was ‘seeing’ through her camera, it was missing vital aspects of what was not apparent to the eye of the outsider.

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