Tag Archives: anarco-archivism

Image Atlas – Taryn Simon & Aaron Swartz

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Image Atlas investigates cultural differences and similarities by indexing top image results for given search terms across local engines throughout the world. Visitors can refine or expand their comparisons from the 57 countries currently available, and sort by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or alphabetical order. Continue reading Image Atlas – Taryn Simon & Aaron Swartz

Leah Gordon


Kanaval: Vodou, Politics and Revolution on the Streets of Haiti

Leah Gordon is an artist and curator and has produced a body of work on the representational boundaries between modernism, religion, anthropology, post-colonialism and folk history. Her photographic work registers junctures between history, cosmology, modernism and the present. Haitian history, and not only that of the revolution, is replayed through the masks, costumes and narratives of the carnival in Jacmel, a coastal town in southern Haiti.

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Left Hand Rotation


Album Lixo es una acumulación de fotografías desechadas y encontradas al final del día en la Feira da Ladra (Lisboa). Las categorías de este depósito son contingentes. Formando parte del cúmulo, el objeto fotográfico. Fotos sobre papel leptográfico, en formato tarjeta de visita, calotipos desvaneciéndose, fotos reveladas sobre una fina capa de poliestireno, gestadas por películas rápidas, por carretes de cámaras automáticas revelados sobre papel positivo, polaroid, tiras de fotomatón, impresiones digitales.

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Grore Images


Grore Images est une agence de photographies trouvées, une à une, par hasard, sur la voie publique et conservées ainsi, sans retouches. Près de 3 000 images mises en ligne sont proposées pour tous les usages classiques : illustration, communication, exposition. Avec la publication (Éditions ABM) du premier tome de ce catalogue (EBook), les images du fonds, légendées par Raya Lindberg, auteur dramatique, acquièrent une nouvelle dimension.
Philippe Mairesse, artiste, directeur de Grore Images, et Guillaume Marion, choriste, invitent les visiteurs à vivre au BAL une expérience visuelle et sonore : ne pas croire savoir ce qui vaut la peine d’être regardé. La projection et la performance chantée seront suivies d’une e-signature au BAL BOOKS (chaque visiteur est invité à apporter une clé usb).

from: http://www.le-bal.fr/fr/mh/le-bal-lab/rencontre-performee-par-guillaume-marion-et-philippe-mairesse/

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Broomberg & Chanarin



The Belfast Exposed Archive occupies a small room on the first floor at 23 Donegal Street and contains over 14,000 black-and-white contact sheets, documenting the Troubles in Northern Ireland. These are photographs taken by professional photo-journalists and ‘civilian’ photographers, chronicling protests, funerals and acts of terrorism as well as the more ordinary stuff of life: drinking tea; kissing girls; watching trains. The marks on the surface of the contact strips – across the image itself – allude to the presence of many visitors. These include successive archivists, who have ordered, catalogued and re-catalogued this jumble of images.

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