Tag Archives: audiovisual

Eric Baudelaire


Working in photography, video, print making and installation, Eric  Baudelaire is interested in the relationship between images and events, documents and narratives. Recalling factographic practices, his work can involve elaborate staged situations that appear to be real, but are somewhat off-kilter, and place the viewer in a situation of questioning the modes of production and consumption of images. He also uses simple techniques of assemblage, sampling and mechanical reproduction, applied to real documents, to playfully extract fictive narratives or new formal vocabularies.


From: http://www.galeriegretameert.com/exhibitions/detail/168

On the web:


“Letters to Max” film: https://vimeo.com/89560258

Audiovisual Heritage

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The timeline Audiovisual Heritage represents a series of events related to the History of photography, cinema, amateur, television, video and sound technologies from pre-19th century till 2000.

The Girona City Council through the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (abbreviated CRDI in Catalan) and the Cinema Museum, has designed and developed the project Audiovisual Heritage, which has been supported by the International Council on Archives (ICA) through the Programme Commission (PCOM).

More links: CRDIICA


Highrise / Katerina Cizek



Concrete gray apartment buildings have been the most common form of housing for the past half-century. You can find them all over the world, and they all look exactly the same. But in Out My Window, the kickoff to the extensive documentary project Highrise, a plethora of variety is lurking behind all those identical windows. On the main screen, you see a collage-like apartment building. You can click on each of the 13 windows. Behind them, 13 apartments in 13 different cities around the world are lurking: Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, Havana, São Paolo, Amsterdam, Prague, Istanbul, Beirut, Bangalore, Phnom Penh, Tainan, and Johannesburg.

Continue reading Highrise / Katerina Cizek

Ayrson Heráclito

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Banhista, 2006

No tanque de epô, imerso a deriva de memórias:banha-se / Líquido livre e deslizante sem dominante.Escapa, escorrega corpo, invade… / Dentro do tanque do sensível / Lava-me alma / O mar de epô abre em seu movimento / Atlântica fluidez / Mergulho em estado de graça

Artista visual e curador, doutorando em Comunicação e Semiótica pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, SP. Professor do curso de Artes Visuais do Centro de Artes Humanidades e Letras da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB). Suas obras transitam pela instalação, performance, fotografia e audiovisual, lidam com freqüência com elementos da cultura afro-brasileira e já foram vistas em individuais na Bahia, mostras, festivais e Bienais internacionais. Nos trabalhos de Heráclito encontramos dendê, a vida no Brasil-Colônia, charque, açúcar, peixe, esperma e sangue, corpo, dor, arrebatamentos, apartheids e sonhos de liberdade.

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Gillian Wearing


The films and photographs of British artist Gillian Wearing (b. Birmingham, 1963) explore our public personas and private lives. This Turner Prize winner’s remarkable works draw on fly-on-the-wall documentaries, reality TV and the techniques of theatre, to explore how we present ourselves to the world.

Wearing’s portraits and mini-dramas reveal a paradox, given the chance to dress up, put on a mask or act out a role, the liberation of anonymity allows us to be more truly ourselves.

Continue reading Gillian Wearing