Tag Archives: war

Paulo Nozolino


Usura, 2012.

Paulo Nozolino is one of the central figures of contemporary photography. His journey begins in the 70’s in London where he went to live. Then Paris, from the late 80s and throughout the 90s, was his basis for a long series of travels across the Arab World, as well as Europe, after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Books like Penumbra and Solo are good examples of his political concerns with a changing society. He returned to Portugal in 2002, after an anthological exhibition – Nada – at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie in Paris. In 2005, Museu de Serralves, in Porto, invited him to a new anthological– Far Cry – first time ever to show work by a Portuguese photographer.

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Susan Meiselas


I think that very early on, and principally this first project of Carnival Strippers, the sense of a photograph was a beginning point. It’s interesting you say “text” or “words” and actually for me it was sound. It was their voices, their very words, the way they said things. So in fact the first representation of that work, Carnival Strippers, was in an installation form with the sound in an open space floating above and around the photographs. So it was that tension between what the photograph itself could tell or reveal and what people know about their lives that I would not have access to except though these exchanges.

from Project MUSE

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Guy Tillim

Guy Tillim is no ordinary war photographer. And while it would be inhuman, or at least vastly pessimistic, to even suggest that any photographs of wars can ever be called ordinary, there is nonetheless something extraordinary about the photographs that Tillim takes.
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Sebastião Salgado



After a somewhat itinerant childhood, Salgado initially trained as an economist, earning a master’s degree in economics from the University of São Paulo in Brazil. He began work as an economist for the International Coffee Organization, often traveling to Africa on missions for the World Bank, when he first started seriously taking photographs. Continue reading Sebastião Salgado