Tag Archives: carnaval

Leah Gordon


Kanaval: Vodou, Politics and Revolution on the Streets of Haiti

Leah Gordon is an artist and curator and has produced a body of work on the representational boundaries between modernism, religion, anthropology, post-colonialism and folk history. Her photographic work registers junctures between history, cosmology, modernism and the present. Haitian history, and not only that of the revolution, is replayed through the masks, costumes and narratives of the carnival in Jacmel, a coastal town in southern Haiti.

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Arthur Omar


(…) os sentimentos gloriosos são todos aqueles situados levemente acima do normal. Embriaguez, fascinação, paixão, comoção, desvario, frenesi. Através deles, o homem atinge uma outra ordem de experiência. Sua casa é outra, já não está mais protegido pelo recesso do lar ou pelo quadriculado do trabalho (Arthur Omar, 1997, Antropologia da face gloriosa).

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